Monday 30 May 2011

Tasty Palak of Robson All India


1/2 kg spinach                                                                    1/4 tsp methi dana
100 gm oil                                                                          15 gm fresh soya        
a pinch of hing                                                                    1 tsp dhania powder                   
salt lal mirch powder and hari mirch to taste                         1 tsp succh bari  
250 gm potatoes                                                                 1 tsp haldi powder   
25gm fresh fenu greek                                                          1 inch piece ginger     
1/4 tsp zeera                                                                        1/2 crushed milk

wash the spinach, discard the thick stems and chop the leaves finely.

Heat the oil, splutterthe hing, zeera,methi ,dana and add the spinach. Cover. As the vegetable cooks, the water will evapourate.Now add the masalas and cook well, stirring with a ladle. Add milk and cook for some time till the vegetable acquires thick consistency

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